Security on WordPress Websites

For online small business presence, the security of a WordPress website is critical. The hackers are attracted to popular websites. So, once your website becomes popular hackers are likely to exploit the security loopholes in the website.

Your website hosting company plays an important role for making a secure setup for your website servers.

Your insecure website has the possibility to damage your online reputation, loss of revenues, and may even lead to your website being dropped from search engines.

In order to prevent your WordPress website, you need to implement some of the following tips to avoid hackers from compromising your WordPress website.

Upgrade your WordPress website

Upgrade your WordPress website to the latest stable version as soon as you can after making sure that there are no compatibility issues with existing plugins or theme. Upgrading is important because upgrades usually include security enhancements.

Backup your Database and Content Files

Installing a plugin or using a cronjob can create a backup for your WordPress website database and content files. This will help you in case you detect intrusion.

Use Secure Password

Make sure to use strong and secure password for your WordPress admin account. It is also highly recommended that the default administrator account has a different user id than “admin”. The password must be at least eight characters longs, and contains upper and lower case letters, numbers and other especial characters. And also make sure that WordPress admin panel, FTP account for your website and your phpMyAdmin password should not be same.

Use Encrypted Channel for secure login

For WordPress users who have enabled SSL for their domain (ask your hosting company that you won’t have this by default) should use the encrypted channel to access WordPress. You can change admin sessions over HTTPS by setting FORCE_SSL_ADMIN variable in wp-config.php to true.

Remove WordPress Version

Word press version in your word press websites can be security vulnerabilities. Hiding or removing WordPress version from your website can make it a bit harder for a hacker to find which vulnerabilities to exploit.

Go Through wp-config.php properly

You need to go through wp-config.php file properly.

You need to insure and use better encryption for WordPress user cookies. You can use WordPress Security Keys better security.

You also need to modify the WordPress table prefix to something other than wp_. Adding random characters and numbers to the end of wp, such as wp123abc_ obfuscates it enough but still allows you to recognize the tables as those belonging to WordPress.

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